Kat and Moose Podcast

Sucking Fingers and a Dongfish Report

Kat and Moose, Producer Sara

Have you seen the viral videos where baristas hand a coffee to a customer and their finger is in the cup? Then the customer basically asks to link the finger of the barista? It's meant to be funny, but we dive into the question: Would you rather be the licker or the lickee? Join us as we react to the eyebrow-raising viral video from Spring Garden Bakery and debate its authenticity.  We have differing takes. What’s yours?

Ever had a hilarious mix-up due to a language misunderstanding? We share our own experiences, including an awkward encounter with a flight attendant and a Taco Bell mishap that led to some loud and enunciated orders. Suspicious drive-thru exchanges highlight the comical and sometimes frustrating world of communication gone wrong.

Then, we tackle a more serious subject—the controversy surrounding Target’s "OCD: Obsessive Christmas Disorder" sweatshirt. Is it harmless fun or an insensitive trivialization of mental health? We discuss public reactions and corporate accountability, while reflecting on our career aspirations and personal growth. 

Rounding out the episode, we share the joy of childhood movies and some humorous language quirks, all while expressing our gratitude to producer Sara Reid. Tune in for a rollercoaster of laughs, and meaningful reflections.
Kat and Moose Podcast is a true-life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human. Some have called us a "funny mental health podcast."  We are three friends (Kat, Moose, and Producer Sara) who share stories and explore topics related to spirituality, mental health, mid-life, relationships, bodywork, loving ourselves, and living our best lives. We also sprinkle in some enneagram and five-element theory. We work in the music industry in Nashville, which also gets dabbled in. Give us a listen! 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cat and Moose podcast.

Speaker 3:

I'm Cat.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Moose. This is a true life podcast where we explore the quirks of being human.

Speaker 1:

Hey Cat.

Speaker 2:

Hey Moose, hey Sarah, Hi, how is everyone today?

Speaker 1:

I'm just happy to be alive I am why. Did something happen. I'm just live. I'm just happy to be living it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, okay, I have a video to show you guys to start off the podcast. Okay, can you pull up the first one on my list?

Speaker 1:

I think videos on a podcast are amazing.

Speaker 2:

I do too. No, trust me.

Speaker 3:

Well, we're a video cast now right. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're a video cast yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know. Subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe like and pretend, and even if we die and leave you messages about our deaths, continue to subscribe like.

Speaker 2:

We'll give you context for that, don't worry guys, we're for that, don't worry guys, we're not. I hope so. Mercy. So this is like a, the thing that's happening on the, on the grams, on the tiktoks and the grams okay, and so I wanted to see if you had seen any version of. Well, you know what happened I know so I need, I need your. Uh, oh, you're you're gonna clean up me and post, because I'm not as bright as you guys are. Yes, okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

You heard it right here.

Speaker 3:

Post it up. She's not as bright, y'all Okay.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

Give it to Kat. Okay, you're going to want to savor every last drop of your Spring Garden Bakery specialty latte.

Speaker 2:

We have done so far, here's that s'mores latte.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome, oh oh. Here's that s'mores latte. You're welcome, oh oh here's that s'mores latte her finger.

Speaker 3:

You're welcome, and now it's in the customer's mouth.

Speaker 1:

That's not real.

Speaker 2:

That's not like that somebody staged that so I know not everyone could see the video. But who? Who is the video by sarah? Do you mind telling us so we can give them credit where credit is due?

Speaker 3:

Yes, this is Spring Garden Bakery. Where are they based? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Can you do some research? So the screen okay. So you've seen it. Yes, have you seen it before?

Speaker 1:

I just now saw it for the first time, so all these coffee shops their tiktok is.

Speaker 2:

They hand you the coffee cup with their finger in it and the whole time you're thinking like, why is your finger in this? And then the customer licks it off of the barista's finger. It but is that real? No, but it's so shocking it is that it makes you pay attention.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it definitely made me pay attention, and and I immediately. The thing that immediately crossed my mind was wow, how far we've come since the beginning. Of me, too, you know it's like now we're sucking on strangers fingers like that's weird hold on.

Speaker 3:

Your video went away okay.

Speaker 2:

So my question to you about the lady that licked the fingers. Yes, if you had to choose, would you rather be the licker of the fingers or have your finger licked? Oh, that's a great question, yeah I asked myself that if I had to be in this scenario, what would I choose?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you for the repositioning I literally think you just need to move it this way.

Speaker 1:

Sarah on hers yep, there, that's perfect so would I want to be the liquor, or or the licky yes that really is the question. It's really hard for me as a Scorpio too, because I find both of those actions extremely like turn-on-ish.

Speaker 2:

What yeah, having your finger?

Speaker 1:

licked. Oh my God, I think that's so sexy.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, If I could make the face that's on the scream mask, I would Really. You want someone to lick your fingers? I didn't say that. I mean. You know what's great is? Usually within 25 minutes this kind of thing comes up and you think, well, people aren't really listening to the whole podcast. But right from the start, we're talking about this yes, podcast. But right from the start, we're talking about this, yes, okay. So if you just tuned in, we're talking about a video. Fingers have been licked at the coffee thing.

Speaker 1:

They put their fingers in the coffee and then the patron gets licked, yes, and it has accomplished virality, so everybody's doing it all the coffee shops are posting videos about people sucking the barista's fingers I have never seen this.

Speaker 2:

Well, no me either I'm just going from what you told me, guys I know what's out there.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We are a new source for the world I mean, yes, I, I have the finger on the pulse of the social media.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so fear yes, you, you always do, you sure do okay, so okay, let's put that on the back burner. But no, no one's answered the question. I only asked you, but then you said you asked yourself Well, I don't want either.

Speaker 2:

I got to be honest. Do I want to be the barista who? That is gross to have someone lick my finger, but I do not want to put my lips on someone else's finger right yeah, it's that's disgusting it's a conundrum I see can I just put my finger in the drink right and then suck your own finger.

Speaker 3:

I no, I'll wash it okay.

Speaker 2:

So do you, cat, want to be the licky or the licker in the barista scenario?

Speaker 1:

I, I guess I would want to be the barista oh my gosh, yeah, I but I don't need to receive people is that because you don't like coffee?

Speaker 2:

or is that because you want your finger to be licked?

Speaker 1:

so here's the way that the question was phrased. It was phrased would you like to be the licker or the licky? And so I said I would like to be the licky. And you said why? Because you don't like coffee.

Speaker 2:

No, because you would have to lick the coffee off of the finger and I know you don't like coffee if you were the licker.

Speaker 1:

But I'm saying, I would rather be the licky, I would rather be the barista, it's part of the reason, because you don't like coffee, if you say it louder this time maybe.

Speaker 2:

I'll understand, and slower, and slower.

Speaker 1:

If you.

Speaker 2:

So it has nothing to do with coffee, you just want your finger licked and by association I mean it implies, you do it.

Speaker 1:

So but she always gets mad at me if I don't do like improv, if I just shut down the question and if I got super cat technical, like a noise, that shit out of people, yeah, all the sudden all people, all people.

Speaker 2:

This went from our relationship to all of the world everyone, stop shutting cat down, stop being so technical. Cat, okay, god. Uh, speaking of getting wording wrong and not understanding people and slowing down, I actually had a situation recently where I was on a flight and the stewardess was speaking to me and it was in a language that I it was harder for me to understand her. I'll say that and hang on.

Speaker 1:

Was she speaking english. It was just broken, or no? Or was it a?

Speaker 2:

different language. It was broken. English is the best way to say it, but this is a completely white girl problem. I have a hard time understanding certain accents.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I'm embarrassed by it, but I'm just being honest. Do you think only white women have a hard time understanding other accents?

Speaker 2:

I think I have shame about a very specific accent. It's hard for me, even when they are speaking in english, to understand. Yeah, okay, so I have a little bit of shame about that. I'm admitting that. Yeah, but so what she was saying to me, I can't wait to hear what you're gonna say.

Speaker 3:

The build-up is so good.

Speaker 2:

You've already taken your clothes off for everybody.

Speaker 3:

Turn the camera on and naked.

Speaker 2:

And what she said to me is what is your final destination? That's what she said to me and all I could hear is are you menstruating? Oh my God, and it went back and forth. So can you say in a normal? Accent, but I'll just tell you what she probably heard from me. Okay, so you say are you menstruating?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, you say what is your final destination?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I will do my reaction. You're a flight attendant? Yes, I'm a flight attendant. Let me put on my best flight attendant.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

What is your final destination? Excuse me, your final destination?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Where are you going?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not. No, I'm not, because I thought she was saying over and over, are you menstruating, are you menstruating? And I knew that couldn't be it, but I kept saying I'm sorry, I'm really. I kept touching my chest. I'm so sorry.

Speaker 3:

Like I knew it was my fault, you never apologized to me in this little yeah, that's true, you never apologized. I kept saying I'm sorry, yes, apologize to me in this little, that's true.

Speaker 1:

You never apologize. I kept saying I'm sorry, yes, not to me. You didn't.

Speaker 2:

And then she finally just pointed, she finally just went get out of here is what she's in my mind.

Speaker 1:

She said to me was get out of here and did you feel like she was saying go to the bathroom no, I think her next step after she found out what my final destination was.

Speaker 2:

How did she find out? Well, I gave her my id because I didn't know what else to do. I was like I, what am I gonna?

Speaker 1:

do? I've lived here at some point.

Speaker 2:

Please send me back I thought she could look up my name yeah, yeah I mean again stupid american over here can't understand. I really was so embarrassed but I just thought she kept yelling are you menstruating? And I was like what am I gonna do?

Speaker 3:

open my bag and be like no tampons right right yeah I had a version not nearly as good as that, but at taco bell the other day of course, that's what I was thinking you were gonna say, and I was ordering my. Oh, a bean and cheese burrito with no onions is what I like I call it the slot burrito, okay I just know that it's a bean and cheese burrito with no onions on the menu, however.

Speaker 3:

However, it says bean burrito, so I order the bean and cheese burrito with no onions, and she cannot understand what I'm saying, so I just continue to say it the same, but louder. Exactly what I did the cat right bean and cheese.

Speaker 3:

No, no, bean and cheese burrito with no onions. This, this girl is american, like there's nothing, anything about it. I just I guess if I say it louder and more enunciated, we'll get there. So, like, how did all this play out? She finally figured out what I was asking for and just put it on there and was like, okay, is there anything else you need? Oh, she didn't, she might have spit in it.

Speaker 3:

And then we sat in line for like 15 minutes. It was weird, I think some another drug related situation was going on up in front of us.

Speaker 2:

Remember that. Oh, I know what you're talking about now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was weird. That's when you had the crack pipe in your rental car.

Speaker 2:

There was the car just sat in front of us at the window.

Speaker 3:

They just talked, they had like a date, and then he passed her a brown bag no, she passed him a big sack full of food and I saw on the menu that it was when he ordered.

Speaker 2:

It was like cheese roll up and like some cinnamon sticks oh, and then, hey guys, if you haven't listened to the cat boost podcast please don't start now.

Speaker 3:

Listen, we got some shit we better, we, we got, we got the tea. Yeah, down on the nolan's.

Speaker 2:

This is called an integrated ad uh. Taco bell is one of our sponsors so sarah had to find a way to you really yes, fit it into her.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna bring up dexcom later. Oh yeah, it'll be great.

Speaker 2:

Oh, stick around for that, guys everybody can't wait. That's what you call a teaser.

Speaker 1:

Oh, if you don't know what dexcom is, just wait, just there are millions of people with juvenile diabetes out there who love our podcast and who love dexcom. What, where are my people?

Speaker 2:

Where is your core audience Like? How would you describe them? People with type 1 diabetes, mainly?

Speaker 1:

Oh and type 2.

Speaker 2:

We like those too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, all are welcome. We don't discriminate, I'm pretty sure everyone's pre-diabetic.

Speaker 2:

So correct.

Speaker 3:

We all fall into the category Right and eating at Taco Bell, I'm not sure why.

Speaker 2:

Well, if and eating at Taco Bell, I'm not sure why.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you just get your drugs there, it shouldn't affect your nutrition.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that was extra food from Taco Bell in that bag. I think that's what she's saying it couldn't have been wow, this is a revolutionary podcast listen.

Speaker 3:

I got my bean and cheese burrito with no onions and it was delicious.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad. It's just fantastic.

Speaker 2:

On that same flight situation. I got put, I got upgraded to furt furt.

Speaker 2:

We are doing good, this is good. We're also a stroke awareness podcast. If you think you're having one, you might be. Yeah, all those. Once you have the big one, wait, wait, wait. No, the big one. It doesn't kill you, but you. It takes a while to come back from. But once you have the big one, they tell you you've looks like you've had 17 others, but they don't really see it until you've had the big one. So anyway, yeah, we're going to have to edit that out.

Speaker 1:

Why my mom?

Speaker 2:

died of a stroke. It's fine, like you can do that, can't you?

Speaker 3:

Thank you, we just needed the context.

Speaker 2:

And that's all I know. It's all sad. What was I talking about? Oh, I was in first class. I got upgraded to first class and I'm having so much fun.

Speaker 1:

And I had never been upgraded to those.

Speaker 2:

I know you've done this. Those new seats that lay down. I've never traveling internationally. No, I was literally going from chicago to dc, okay that's a short flight.

Speaker 1:

That's what I thought, but somehow we got on that here, go to bed I know and I did.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I, hell yeah. I acted like I owned that place. I was like I'm gonna act like this was a $6,000 international flight.

Speaker 1:

Order bottles of wine.

Speaker 3:

You can't finish it, but by God, I'm going to get it.

Speaker 2:

It's a two hour flight and I just, you know, put my feet up. I didn't like drink, but I just put my feet up. I think that's wonderful.

Speaker 1:

When I went to Australia back in 2015, that was 10 years ago now, oh wow.

Speaker 1:

We got mysteriously upgraded to like business class and I still to this day have theories about how that happened and I sat in my seat that did all the reclining things, next to the other woman that was on the trip with us. There were, there were a couple of women with us, but kind of the they let women go out of the without a visa. Oh my god, two women yes to a socialized country. Okay, so anyway, they gave free wine and I was like well, of course I'm gonna.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be on this flight for 900 all the way there. All the way there, yeah and so um, I drank so much wine that I fell asleep I fell asleep in the recliner thing and, and as I slowly got more comfortable laying down, I just my wine glass was full and I just went like this and I poured it all over the poor girl stop. And she's like I've never had a drink in my life, you know. So she's like soaked in red wine for it was red wine.

Speaker 1:

I felt like such an asshole oh my God, that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

That was probably a core memory for her.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I mean, if it was for me, then it had to have been for her.

Speaker 3:

Do you guys still talk?

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, and I don't know if it was. I think that helped us not talk.

Speaker 2:

Oh, did you want that to?

Speaker 1:

happen. No, oh, okay, no, no, wow, yeah, it was pretty awesome. So sweaters, clothes, things you wear on a plane, yeah, have you seen? I actually did look at the internet today. Have you seen the controversy over the Target sweatshirt?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We haven't.

Speaker 1:

What is it? I love a controversy. Okay, it's a good controversy. So target is selling a christmas sweatshirt that is green with red letters and it says o, c, d and then underneath those letters it says obsessive christmas disorder. It's a christmas sweatshirt, okay that's wait.

Speaker 3:

Is it a sweater or a sweatshirt?

Speaker 1:

it's a sweatshirt, okay and why people? Oh, did we take the christ out of ocd if you have the mind of Christ, you don't have OCD.

Speaker 3:

A three-strand cord.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, sarah. That was so well-timed. She brought up your band, your college band, so someone was very upset about this. Basically saying like this is making fun of something that is a genuine mental health issue, and I'm not okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm offended by it.

Speaker 1:

It's like, hey, hey, my kid has ocd and so don't make fun of ocd. And it's like, well, I think it's a great sweatshirt. I think it's a great right, right, like just put a sign on your chest that says I'm ocd, that will help the child anyway. And so then the article went on to say that Target said get over it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, come on, no one from Target saying get over it.

Speaker 1:

So I read the whole article because I'm like really, did someone from Target say that? Because I view Target as like a classier Walmart. Yeah, you know, it's like Target's like kind of the high end of the. You know, get everything in one store places. Yeah, you know, get everything in one store places, yeah. And so what the target spokesperson said is we apologize for anyone who has been offended by our choices to carry this sweatshirt and we do not have any plans to discontinue carrying it. Yeah, get over. That's what she said, but like, but like. What it said in the headline was like target says get over it, and I just thought it was so dramatic and I was curious like do you have a problem?

Speaker 2:

with this. Let me hold it up a little bit so we can see on the camera.

Speaker 3:

Oh, come, come towards me. Yeah, oh, that's great.

Speaker 2:

Look at that why does it say ding dong on your?

Speaker 1:

notice it's written in different ink than my sharpie ink. Yeah, it's because I laid this on your kitchen counter and, god bless myself, I walked away from it for a moment and then I came back and I was like, oh, we're going to talk about ding dongs today, so like what are what? What is ding what?

Speaker 2:

are ding dongs. I just you can't leave stuff out and have me not mess with it. Yeah, okay, that is not offensive.

Speaker 1:

I also don't think it's very interesting that's the news for the first time it doesn't get better, not that you brought it up.

Speaker 2:

that is interesting. I just mean like it's not even a good sweatshirt, like you know what I mean, like somebody didn't try very hard there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is kind of it's kind of lame, yeah, like what is obsessive Christmas disorder. I don't know you like to decorate.

Speaker 2:

I think people who start listening to Christmas music, like in June or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we have some friends yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we know, as you would say, who you are. You know who you are Interesting. Well, target, wasn't Target the one that got rid of all the pride stuff, because people were mad.

Speaker 1:

Oh really, I don't know about that. I think so. I don't know about that.

Speaker 2:

If they weren't sorry Target.

Speaker 3:

Sorry Target.

Speaker 1:

That was Walmart in the South.

Speaker 2:

no-transcript uh am, I suppose I just panicked what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

it um?

Speaker 2:

to study, to be a counselor? Oh, I don't know if I'm in yet if I've been so don't you think they would have told you by now? No, it starts in january. I I missed the deadline for fall, so if I started, I would start in january, okay okay, my new class is going to start in the new year as well.

Speaker 1:

It starts in february and it is I think it is the integrative teacher training protocol. Really, yes, I'm going to study to be a teacher of the modality that I practice I think that is so wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's so you thanks.

Speaker 1:

It'll take me a long time to get through it.

Speaker 2:

That's okay. We've got a lot. How long is?

Speaker 1:

a long time. Well, I mean, the whole thing will be about just under a year, that's not. And then I've also got to do. I think there are some papers that are required. I think there's like a practical test type thing required. Um, but I'm gonna knock it out a year is so easy? Yeah, I think so too. So by the time I'm 50, great, I could potentially be a teacher.

Speaker 2:

That's scary no, it's not scary, it's fantastic, exciting, okay well, I have a question.

Speaker 3:

When you were 10, maybe even five, and in school, and you were asked what you want to be when you're 50, did?

Speaker 1:

you imagine any of the things that you could be, doing like in any realm um, the music stuff really yeah, yeah, maybe not five years old, but maybe at 10 yeah, like in your school age, yeah yeah, but I would never. If you would have asked me five years ago, yeah, would you be someone trained in local distal acupressure? I would be like, what is that? The arts, the arts, the healing, the arts the healing touchy arts.

Speaker 2:

I'm proud of you. I think that's fantastic. Thanks, I think so too. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be in school, if you know me yeah somebody asked me yesterday. I was on the phone with them and they were like so what are you doing with your degree that you just graduated with? And I was like, don't you shame me? Yeah, that's how I felt. Don't you dare shame?

Speaker 1:

me. I'm doing this. Look at me protective.

Speaker 2:

thank you, I appreciate that, yeah um, and I said, um, I'm not using it yet she goes, but she was great because she goes well. I work in the music industry now and I have a nutrition degree, so it's okay, you know and I was like yeah, I sort of go, I just seek, uh knowledge and then I figure out how to pay for it later.

Speaker 2:

I don't have that much shame, because I have seen in my life that I have gotten a green light for something and I don't always use it right away and then I see how it comes together later. That's cool, and so I just trust that I'm not worried about it.

Speaker 1:

I had a blast. That is so like sage-like of you. I am a sage. You just sat there and said, and I trust that as if it you've, I really do, I know, I know I'm saying like that's very impressive, it is impressive, congratulations thank you.

Speaker 2:

I know, well, it's coming, it's taking a long time, but you know, it's like. I saw an instagram post that says, like stop doing the shit you don't want to do, like I mean, that's all we need, guys. Yeah, like start there. If you're like I don't know how to grow, stop doing the things you don't want to do. Yeah, it's a good starting place and then do all the things you want to do and find a way.

Speaker 2:

There's always a way I mean you are dropping the wisdom well, I, I am just learning. I mean, I'm so passionate about podcasting now and I'm like I have just anything that I want to become, something that builds, whether it is for personal reasons or business reasons. You have to put the time into it. Yes, like you just simply do. Yeah, you do, and so I'm trying to put 10 hours in a week into the things that I love.

Speaker 1:

Nice, that's awesome, and that's usually just like reading and learning and and watching YouTube videos and for me like I need to do more with my hands oh, I totally get that that's why I get excited about like offering my body work stuff, like come for the first time for free, and people are like why would you do that? And I'm like, because I just want to learn, I just want to, I want to touch and feel and see, oh, the energy, I can feel, a thing. I mean yeah, sorry it sounds touch and feeling that feels nice.

Speaker 2:

Did you like it too?

Speaker 1:

I had your voice ringing in my head in my last class because you were like do you use your body, work voice? And so, as I was acting like as the practitioner, I was like you might consider that gravity is good, because I could just hear you going like Like you might consider and I was like, damn it, you might consider. I think you were right. I think I do have a voice. It's okay, we all have like phone voices. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I can hear yours in my head right now.

Speaker 3:

And I've done it before.

Speaker 2:

My phone voice. This is Kat. It's exactly what you say you and.

Speaker 3:

I had to have a work phone call yesterday and it was great, but it was so weird for me because I'm like, I know you in like is that so many?

Speaker 1:

non-work it had to have been. I got off the phone and I looked at my phone and I said what fucking just happened who was I talking to?

Speaker 3:

it was me. It was me I was the weird one. We were weird. We got shit done. We did, it was fine, but it was weird, it was strange it was strange to work with your friends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we tried that we did and we're still doing it, yeah, but at least now we're doing it for fun and not for work.

Speaker 2:

Well, I was gonna say the way that that has gone is anything that we do that is revenue generating it absolutely gets annihilated, yeah absolutely I think that there's a really beautiful piece of wisdom in that yeah, we, we should not do businesses together, it just no, I mean, it was profitable but, but this is something there's no, I almost said there's no feelings to get hurt. There are no feelings to get hurt.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there, wrap up your feelings and put them away, bind them beneath your undercarriage my sister sent me a instagram reel today, yeah, yeah, and I read it and it said them where did your childhood anxiety start? And then it said Me, and it played this clip from the NeverEnding Story, oh God, where the princess was like I just need a name, just give me a name. And the kid reading the book is like I don't want to give, need a name, just give me a name. And the kid reading the book is like I don't want to give you a name because this isn't real. And then, like a tray who's like falling all over the floor and the nothing is like taking everything out of the whole entire universe and it's like. It's like, if that's the movie that I think of from my childhood, it is no wonder I'm so anxious.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm anxious after hearing that I this is. I have to be honest here. I know that this is a movie that people really love. You don't know this movie. I know I do, but I don't like movies with animals that aren't real animatronics. Yeah, like, if I don't like fantasy anything I. I know it's stupid, I did not know this. Yeah, no, I think it's the way my brain is wired. Like I, I don't like cartoons. I like some animated things I've grown like inside out and stuff like that, but anything fantasy. That's why I don't like star wars or any of that. So when I hear you talking about that, like I am panicked. I don't even what is the context of?

Speaker 2:

her saying why wouldn't you give me a name? What? What's the context?

Speaker 1:

Like I have no idea what love is. I would love, and I know Chris and Jen at least I know you guys at least will do this. My sister, if she listens, at some point, she will do it as well.

Speaker 2:

I feel like Jen DePaula is going to be upset with me and like you need to watch this movie.

Speaker 1:

no, well, I mean, maybe she will. What I need is for our listeners, just a few of you, to give your like synopsis of what is the, the message of the never-ending story. Okay, that's great. Like I would love to, and I will share mine. Okay, I will give you the context I would like to hear from them first.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's great.

Speaker 1:

That way I don't taint, because you know, everybody in the world cares how I communicate right, yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I don't want to taint. Okay. So if you have seen Never Ending Story and you have someone like me in your life and you are trying to get them to watch it and explain the story, we want to hear your audio description of this. So just record it on your voice memo.

Speaker 1:

You can call us, I mean even like send us a video.

Speaker 2:

Send me an email.

Speaker 3:

I'd love to read your email.

Speaker 2:

Email video audio 1-866-KATM005. You can also email us hello at katandmoosepodcastcom Dot com. Well, so you have the never-ending story. And then also in the 80s, you had Gremlins. I did like that more you did. I don't know why. Recently it was on like some channel this over a weekend and I turned it on because I was like I bet this looks terrible now, like 40 years later, and it didn't look that bad, I mean you could tell it was the lighting's a little like.

Speaker 1:

I saw, I think, that same weekend, I think, I flipped through and I was like, oh my gosh, gremlins. And I was like, oh, that was lit terribly yeah, but like the, the animation of the little creatures and stuff like that wasn't bad at all what other?

Speaker 2:

oh, I'll tell you, this might have been like late 80s. I loved the movie.

Speaker 3:

Stand by me that that was a really I've never seen that movie in its entirety because I always had to cover my eyes during apparently there's a dead you just yeah, I would have known everyone poke poke.

Speaker 1:

You owe me a coke. I know everyone listening and you guys have. I've been watching your faces turn blue. You've been holding your breath because of my teaser, my teaser from early.

Speaker 2:

Don't skip forward. This is not an ad.

Speaker 1:

And Nick Jonas. Oh yeah, you and Nick, we're diabetes celebrities. Wow, I almost put that out. I'm glad you didn't. So, yeah, I went to get an MRI on my foot today because my foot is. I'm really having some challenges with this foot and I it, and it's doing such a good job and I'm so proud of it, and also I'm so sorry you hurt so much.

Speaker 2:

And are they still wanting to amputate?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, pretty much.

Speaker 1:

The last doctor's like I mean, if that thing, if that thing crumbles in there, you're going to get your leg chopped off God.

Speaker 2:

I mean to say that to someone with diabetes like that's, like your biggest fear is limbs.

Speaker 1:

Well, not my biggest Well, but now is it. It's scary, you know, it's very scary, god. And what made it even worse is the MRI technician. She was very sweet, she was this older lady. Worse is the mri technician she was very sweet, she was this older lady and she goes. Well, now they need to have told y'all that you can't wear that in here, and the front desk is gonna need to hear about and I'm like you go tell the front desk like that's fine, whatever. And she said and you know what, and I said what, and she goes. I knew two sisters that had diabetes and they're both blind now.

Speaker 2:

No, Kat.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God that is how people relate to me as it pertains to diabetes and I'm like, and they're blind now. And they're blind. I had friends.

Speaker 3:

Oh my, they're blind now.

Speaker 1:

I was like I will refuse that spell that you just tried to put on me.

Speaker 2:

You should say both these legs aren't real are you real?

Speaker 1:

I am too. These are, these are transplants be like ma'am.

Speaker 2:

I don't mean to offend you, but I'm also blind why would that wait?

Speaker 3:

why would that offend her? At least throw that point. I don't want to embarrass you maybe is the right thing.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to embarrass you, but I'm also blind. These two are fake. I just had them replace them with glass balls and that's why I can't get an mri. So you couldn't get an mri because you were wearing your dexcom yes, because I refuse to take it off and what is a dexcom.

Speaker 1:

It's a continuous glucose monitor. Oh so it is telling my blood sugar all the time, like it talks to my phone. It talks to my pump, like I know what my blood sugar is at all times because of this right so when you're eating like donuts every morning, like you do, as someone with diabetes, yeah, I'm joking like people.

Speaker 2:

I know you don't, I'm just saying it. It fixes your sugar.

Speaker 1:

It does not fix my sugar, it it monitors.

Speaker 2:

It monitors and gives you glucose.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't do that either. It just monitors. So it monitors If I say it louder do you think you'll understand.

Speaker 2:

So that's why it's called a Dexcom monitor.

Speaker 3:

Okay, got it.

Speaker 2:

Continuous glucose monitor Okay now that you've said it slowly.

Speaker 3:

I understand.

Speaker 2:

So when are you getting this MRI?

Speaker 1:

So now I have to get it 10 days from now because I'm not going to waste my monitor. It costs like 400 bucks every time I have to replace one of these, yeah. And so she was like, well, well, what they should have done is scheduled you when it's time for you to change it out. And I was like, well, that would have been nice to know if somebody had told me that yeah um.

Speaker 2:

So next friday the 13th, oh, friday the 13th, that's awesome. So then we find out if your leg comes off. Yeah, pretty much.

Speaker 3:

And will that be because of COVID?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I've had it 63 times.

Speaker 2:

Because I have diabetes, diabetes and COVID and fell off a 4Runner and got ran over by a Christian artist.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, why we won't?

Speaker 2:

oh, okay, great, um, I think that's complete for me I have.

Speaker 1:

I have a friend and colleague who when she's done with her check-in, she goes I am now complete. Oh, I like that, it's really it's. It's like.

Speaker 2:

At first I was like huh, and then I was like that is so clear what if I start doing that when we hang out, I'm complete, I will leave and not have my feelings. Well, no, I'm not saying you, but just with anyone like you're sitting there you're at a restaurant you're having cocktails. You're done, they don't seem to be, but you. You fold up your napkin and you say I'm complete.

Speaker 1:

I triple dog. Dare you and everybody listening, do it. Do that once this week. I would love to gladly yeah, I'm weird enough that I can get away with it. Yeah, you are. Yeah, me too. I think I could do.

Speaker 3:

I, yeah, yeah um, speaking of weird cat, will you read this for me? Yes, great.

Speaker 1:

Um, just read the bottom section underneath the photo here, please the horn guess of a dong fish is attached by a scrungle to a kind of dill sack, the nut sack. What in the world Can I please try to read it now that I've read it once? Wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

Can I just give credit for the Instagram page called the Muff.

Speaker 1:

Report yes, that alone. You follow that. You're going to start getting some weird ads.

Speaker 3:

And the Muff Report on this photograph of what looks like maybe something from a Wikipedia, it says. I can't stop laughing at nearly every word in this sentence. Please read it again for us From an encyclopedia.

Speaker 1:

The horngus of a dongfish is attached by a scrungle.

Speaker 3:

There's no R there. Oh, let me start over then, sarah, thank you for pointing out my ways.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome. The hornus of a dongfish is attached by a scungle to a kind of dill sack, the nut sack.

Speaker 2:

Wow, there were a couple comments I wanted to mention on that. Got it. We're going back, going back in from readers of the muff report um dill, does anyone remember calling someone a dill weed or a dill hole?

Speaker 1:

no, it's called a dick weed, it's not a dill wait. Let's see what people responded to that.

Speaker 2:

Go back to that. Okay, okay, let's see what they said. Let's see if people corrected them. I still do, especially to my kids. I still use the word dill hole. What? Wait, that's a thing.

Speaker 3:

My father uses those on the daily. Okay, this guy says Horngus and Dongfish were two of my college nicknames.

Speaker 2:

Wow, thank you for bringing that to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you, Sarah. That was rich. What a great way to end this episode?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, I am complete, I am complete, I am complete.

Speaker 2:

Okay, great, we can be done. We love you guys. Make sure you check us out on YouTube. I am complete. I am complete. I am complete. I'm complete.

Speaker 1:

I am now complete special thanks to our producer, sarah Reed to find out more.

Speaker 2:

Cat and Moose is a BP production.

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